Do your teeth have a yellowish cast? Perhaps they look dull and have some discoloration. Discolored teeth can make you look unhealthy. You’re ready for a smile makeover. Teeth whitening can transform your smile so that you can once again smile with confidence, resulting in a healthier and younger appearance.

Dr. Nabila Mannan, board-certified general, cosmetic, and pediatric dentist with Rainbow Dental, provides you with options for teeth whitening, including custom trays made to fit your teeth that you can use at home.

Why teeth become stained

Stained teeth are a result of a combination of environmental and genetic factors, including:


Having stained teeth or a yellowish cast to your teeth instead of “pearly whites” is an unfortunate byproduct of aging. Most older adults have some discoloration. The enamel on the surface of your teeth thins as you age, allowing the dentin, the layer under the surface of your tooth, to show through. Dentin becomes a yellowish color as you age.

Foods and drinks you consume

Your lifestyle habits contribute to tooth discoloration. Some of the substances that can stain your teeth include the following:

  • Red wine, coffee, and tea
  • Food and beverages with food coloring
  • Carbonated beverages and sodas
  • Acidic foods, such as orange juice and citrus juices
  • Tomato sauce and tomato-based foods
  • Berries
  • Candy and chocolate
  • Tobacco



The nicotine and tar in tobacco can stain teeth. Your teeth may have an unhealthy brownish or yellowish appearance.


You might not be aware that some common medications can cause tooth discoloration, including antihistamines and blood pressure medications.

Teeth whitening works

Dr. Mannan provides you with options for teeth whitening, including an at-home system. She takes impressions of your teeth to provide you with custom-made trays that fit your mouth exactly. You will wear the bleaching trays for 30-60 minutes a day for a predetermined number of days. As you wear them, your teeth will gradually get whiter until they get to the shade you desire. You’ll begin to see results in two weeks once you’ve started.

Extending the results of your teeth whitening

Although teeth whitening isn’t a permanent procedure, you’ll be thrilled with the results. To keep your teeth looking bright, Dr. Mannan recommends the following:

  • Brushing and flossing regularly
  • Switching from coffee or black tea to white or green tea
  • Avoiding foods and beverages high in pigments and tannins, such as berries and wine
  • Avoiding highly acidic beverages and foods, such as citrus and tomatoes
  • Avoiding dark and light sodas
  • Quitting smoking
  • Using a whitening toothpaste at home
  • Getting professional cleanings at least twice a year

Are you ready to get started on your dental transformation? Call Rainbow Dental or book an appointment online, today. We are excited to help you achieve a longer-lasting, brighter smile!

Major Insurance Providers Accepted

At Rainbow Dental, P.C., we accept most insurance plans. Here is a list of some of the plans that we accept. Please contact our office if you do not see your insurance provider listed.

Get In Touch

Rainbow Dental

Call Us: (718) 433-0515

Visit Us: 2509 36th Ave, Astoria,
NY 11106

Office Hours

Monday – Friday: 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

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